Out of ideas for interesting titles, so sue me
(or not. please. the euros are already killing my bank account.)
Just stopping by, not staying long (not planning to, anyway), just wanted to say that I spent the weekend (Sat. - Sun) in Venice and when I had class on Monday it was such an odd feeling to go back to work after having a pure 2 day vacation. See, Siena has an air of work around it because I know when I'm there that I'm supposed to be working. Now...Venice, on the other hand, was completely just for fun, and so coming back and going to class after that....well... and put that together with a really hot classroom.... a lot of us were nodding off a bit in that second half of class on Monday. Think the room was even hotter today, if that's even possible.
Anyway, the reason I'm not staying here long is 'cause I have my first test tomorrow and I'm going to go study right after I'm done here. I've already more or less prepped the essay for the 50 mark question on the test, but here's hoping I don't forget half of it when I'm actually doing the test. :P Bah.
K, that's it for now. would have posted before the weekend, but blogger didn't like me. hope to hear from you all soon and take care! :)